Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Rhythem of the Day

It occured to me yesterday that our school year has gotten off to a smooth start.

That's not to say I haven't driven Joseph to school because we were running late (I have) or picked him up in the van because the babies and I needed a longer nap (I have) and that evenings weren't filled with back-to-school events (they have been). However, the weather has been picture-perfect and we have enjoyed lazy mornings and having the day free to do activities, without worrying about school pick up at noon.

I'm trying to get up, exercise and get the kids ready. So far, I have only gotten up at 5 twice but twice is better than zero. The dog really needs two walks and I try... but sometimes I just need a break from the baby in the ergo, the toddler climbing out of the stroller and the preschooler on her scooter... plus the dog pulling on his leash.

I took Camille and one of her friends to the zoo yesterday. We had a totally awesome day! The animals were out and showing off. The weather wasn't too hot. The new polar bear was a total blast. The girls were standing in front of the window and he would swim up, do a flip turn and swim away. It was amazing! Georgie even loved it. My parents got us the Gold Pass for Christmas and it was sooo worth it. We road the train, merry go round and even had free ice cream! Cami's friend requested "stinky monkeys, stinky elephants and clean giraffes." We saw stinky monkeys, stinky birds and big sheep. One sheep just looooved Georgie and followed us around.

When we got home, I had a short nap and we picked up Joseph. I am so glad we live in a nieghborhood where we can walk to school and see our school friends on a regular basis. Joseph has only one friend from Adventure Guides in his classroom but he gets to see them all the time because they live so close by. He is riding his scooter to school and I think we are going to work on bike riding soon. We need to take his training wheels off and get him going.

I need to post photos soon. It's been a week and a half of school and I still have the first day pics on my camera!

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