
Monday, December 17, 2012

Natural Parents Network 2012 Blog Blitz!

I am proud and honored to be a volunteer with the Natural Parents Network (NPN), a community of natural-minded parents and parents-to-be where you will be informed, empowered, and inspired. When you visit the NPN’s website you can find articles and posts about Activism, Balance, Consistent Care, Ecological Responsibility, Family Safety, Feeding With Love, Gentle Discipline, Healthy Living, Holistic Health, Natural Learning, Nurturing Touch, Parenting Philosophies, Practical Home Help, Preparing for Parenting, Responding With Sensitivity, Safe Sleep, and so much more! Today I would like to share some bookmark-worthy posts that highlight several wonderful posts from 20 volunteers with the Natural Parents Network. These posts were featured on the personal blogs of the Natural Parents Network volunteers and are some of the best of 2012. We hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as we enjoyed writing them. We are always looking for new volunteers so please, contact us if you are interested. Just a few hours per month can help other mamas in a huge way!

Jenn from Monkey Butt Junction

Most Viewed Post: Why I want to Homeschool / Why I Don't Want to Homeschool Personal Favorite Post: Hello Mornings Post I Wish More People Saw: Eating Healthy on the Road

Visit Code Name: Mama

Dionna from Code Name: Mama

Most Viewed Post: 32 Natural Remedies for Colds, Congestion, Coughs, and Fevers in Infants (Newborn to 6 Months) Personal Favorite Post: Crying Does Not Equal Manipulation Post I Wish More People Saw: Why Nurse A 4 Year Old?

Laura from WaldenMommy:Life Behind the Red Front Door

Most viewed post: Ten Reasons to Revoke my Natural Parent Card Personal Favorite Post: The AP'd Child Speaks Out The Post I Wish More People Would Read: Having A Child With Special Needs...

Jennifer from Hybrid Rasta Mama

Most Viewed Post: 333 Uses for Coconut Oil Personal Favorite Post: You Will Understand When You Are A Mother Post I Wish More People Saw: Constipation In Children and What You Can Do To Help

Lyndsay from ourfeminist{play}school

Most Viewed Post: Potty Learning the Gentle Way Personal Favourite Post:Gentle Weaning and Play Post I Wish More People Saw: Rape and Attachment Parenting

Abbie from Farmer's Daughter

Most Viewed Post: Maple Cinnamon Swirl Bread Personal Favorite Post: The Birth Story of David Joseph Post I Wish More People Saw: A Farm of My Own

Gretchen from That Mama Gretchen

Most Viewed Post: Crockpot Yogurt Personal Favorite Post: 100 Days Old Post I Wish More People Saw: A Fresh Perspective | Jemma's Beautiful Birth



Christine from African Babies Don't Cry

Most Viewed Post: I Breastfeed My Toddler For The Nutritional Benefits Personal Favorite Post: From Full-Time Formula To Exclusively Breastfed Post I Wish More People Saw: How To Minimise The Chance Of A (Genetically Prone) Child Being Diagnosed With ADHD

Charise from I Thought I Knew Mama

Most Viewed Post: My Misdiagnosed Miscarriage Story Personal Favorite Post: A Poem for My Baby Girl Post I Wish More People Saw: How Does Attachment Parenting Foster Independence?

Mandy from Living Peacefully with Children

Most Viewed Post: Attachment Parenting: the Renewed Face of Feminism Personal Favorite Post: Different Rules for Different Families Post I Wish More People Saw: Introducing: Attachment Parents Get Real!

Amy from Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work

Most Viewed Post: Censored at the Beauty School Personal Favorite Post: Let Them Have the Last Word: Demonstrating Peace For Children Post I Wish More People Saw: Talents of the Heart

Angela from Earth Mamas World

Most Viewed Post: The No 'Poo Method: Homemade Shampoo And Conditioner Personal Favorite Post: It's Okay...I Actually Enjoy Spending Time With My Kids! Post I Wish More People Saw: Gentle Discipline And Our Family

Cynthia from The Hippie Housewife

Most Viewed Post: Winding Down at Bedtime: Three calming games Personal Favorite Post: While the nights are still precious Post I Wish More People Saw: Those days don't define you

Fine and Fair Joella from Fine and Fair

Most Viewed Post: Teen Pregnancy: Not Caused by Makeup Personal Favorite Post: A Letter to my Son: The First of Many Post I Wish More People Saw: 25 Lessons for my Children

Megan at The Boho Mama

Most Viewed Post: Coconut Oil: Nature's Baby Magic Personal Favorite Post: When They're One Post I Wish More People Saw: Using Relaxation and Visualization to Support Breast Milk Supply

Julia from A Little Bit of All of It

Most Viewed Post: 10 Things I'd Like New Moms to Know Personal Favorite Post: My Mother Blessing Post I Wish More People Saw: Why Should You Wear Your Baby?

Amy from Anktangle

Most Viewed Post: Growing Sprouted Onions Personal Favorite Post: Dear Daniel, (On Discipline and Love) Post I Wish More People Saw: Garden (Time Out) Meditation

 Lauren from Hobo Mama

Most Viewed Post: Where to find cute maternity clothes Personal Favorite Post: Getting used to having kids Post I Wish More People Saw: On having two kids & not playing fair

Isil from Smiling like Sunshine

Most Viewed Post: DIY Alphabet Boxes Personal Favorite Post: Children's Books About Breastfeeding Post I Wish More People Saw: 7 Tips for Breastfeeding in Public

Jorje from Momma Jorje

Most Viewed Post: Family Cloth... Really?? Personal Favorite Post: I did not Birth a Syndrome Post I Wish More People Saw: "Good Baby"

Don't forget to check out Cooking With Coconut Oil and Coconut Oil For Your Skin! You will love my eBooks! I promise!
    Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and/or information are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in partnership with your health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.

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