
Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer 2013 Bucket List UPDATE

It seems like just yesterday I was writing our summer bucket list. I swear summer just began but, in a few short days, I will be sending them all back to school.

It wasn't a horrible summer, just not the summer I had planned. Sure, we did tons of this:

Joseph and Camille took swim lessons and got really, really good at a variety of skills. I ended up not putting the littles in swim lessons but I hope to do so this year.

We never made it to LEGOLAND or the Aquarium or any historical sites. Instead, we hung around the house and the kids got really awesome at Minecraft. They also found several YouTube sites that show how to make special characters or levels. The voice in those videos now haunts my dreams.

The chicken pox certainly wasn't in our plans but we are done with that forever! Neither was rescuing a kitten but my friends got a new kitty out of the deal, so I am thrilled with that!

Yet, we managed to do some of the items on our list. The kids spent two days at Camp Grandma and Grandpa and loved it. Adam loved the sleep! (I was out of town.) I worked on reading with Camille, the boys played hard and Joseph's brain didn't leak out of his head. I kept running and lost a little weight. I'm stronger and have so much more endurance than I had in April, which is probably the most important thing.

Cole potty trained! In the past six weeks he has only had ONE accident! He's been wearing his bathing suit nearly 24/7 and his only accident came when he was wearing shorts and underwear. I don't know if this was a fluke or if he's only trained when wearing swim trunks. Whatever it is... I'll take it! I GLEEFULLY packed up lots of my diapers and passed them onto my sister. FREEEEEEDOM!

George has been working on eating more, eating with us and trying a variety of foods. Although the chicken pox set him back a bit, he's been taking tiny bites of food he is unsure of and not throwing a fit if I place "less preferred" food on his plate. Yay!

We got the gallery wall hung:
And bought a new to us china cabinet and bookshelf from the Habitat for Humanity Re-store! Not only can I display my great grandmother's china, I have a spot to hid my sewing machine and projects so the room doesn't look so much like a junk room.
The mantel got a make over:

I'll be painting that mirror... some color... Ideas?

Summer is almost over. As good (and bad) as it was, we're ready for the fall. The kids have begun talking about Halloween. Higgins is shedding and I think his goal is to become the world's first Hairless Labrador. In other words, he wants the cooler whether too!

Just a few more school supplies to buy and school will begin this week...

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