
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Swim for Babies

Sunday May 8th was a cold morning.

We bundled the kids up, packed our water bottles and snacks, grabbed Thirty-One swag and drove off bright and early.

We greeted friends and had our photos taken. My kids were quite smitten with two chubby ten month old twins behind us!
Then it began to sprinkle. We took shelter while the kids danced in the rain:

And then the heavens opened up and it POURED!

We were never able to March for the Babies. Instead, we were told we were under a lightening and hail watch and encouraged to move into more shelter. After waiting under the center's awning for about 30 minutes, we realized it wasn't going to let up and we ran for it. We were all soaked to the bone by the time we got to the van.

The weather was horrible all day. It was dark and storming. Before the day was over, we had had several tornadoes touch down in the area!

We're sad we didn't get to see more of our friends but happy that we saw the ones we DID get to see. We missed out on seeing the NICU staff but I saw the midwife who took care of me when I was pregnant with George. It was a fun, if wet and short, morning.

(As an aside, wouldn't "Swim for babies" make a great fundraiser? You could have people sponsor you to swim laps and the money could go to the March of Dimes!)

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