
Friday, May 25, 2012

Blessed and Holy

Joseph's First Holy Communion was in April.

I am a bad Catholic mama for not blogging about it. I don't know why I didn't- forgot, I suppose.

My son. My big, handsome boy, was wonderful. He was nervous and fussed the whole way to church. But when he saw the girls in the viels and white dresses... oh, boy oh boy. We are in for it! His eyes got huge and he told me they all looked so pretty! Uh-oh.

The kids sat with their classes and we sat on the side where we were mostly likely to see him. With some fancy wiggling, we were able to peer through the people in front of us and see him Recieve for the first time! He forgot to bless himself and I saw someone remind him quickly, and he did it. On a side note, I have to train to be a Eucharistic Minister again. The people who were an EM for the Mass were waiting by the alter while the children recieved their FHC. They had the best view in the house!

(Yes, there are reasons other than purely selfish motives for wanting to be an EM again! It's a ministry I love and want to help with.)

When Mass was over, we went for cookies and punch and pictures and home for cards and presents!

his present from us- a tie tac

We had his party the next day. He wanted his friends to be able to come. Since they all had a camp out for his Adventure Guides troop, I agreed. A simple request and easy to honor.

A "candy bar" with mass cards for the guests and a photo mat to sign

The Joseph table, with his baby items, scrapbook and so on. When I took his
sweater out of his baby box, it smelled like him!

All of the "Joseph table"
We had people come and go all afternoon and enjoyed a lovely, yummy cake made by my friend Jen. Not much of that cake was left when we were all done with it!

Although Joe is still working on his thank you cards, rest assured he loves all his presents and your thoughts and prayers. I still tear up when I see him take Communion!

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