
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Happy birthday George!

Our giant monster preemie turned SIX this morning! He started the day off with a bang, fighting with his brother over a dollar bill. No. Really.

Adam is out of town all week so we had his family party a few days early. My parents and in-laws came over for dinner, presents and cake. We had beer and cheese soup for the grown-ups, hot dogs for the kids and Minecraft cake for everyone. George got two new pairs of jammies (one with a yeti on it!), LEGO, a new shirt and a scooter. He was pretty happy and pretty spoiled!

On Sunday, Mom, Camille and I went shopping and I got some Christmas shopping done. We took my mom into Justice and I think we scarred her for life. She's still seeing neon and glitter. We picked up some take-and-bake pizzas on the way home and Adam left for the Frozen Tundra early the next morning. Mom stayed two days to help me but I am on my own today and tomorrow. (ACK!)

It's been an "all about George" week. We went to Bass Pro to look at the holiday decorations and the
fish. We went in the afternoon and the place was dead. He had free range of all the games and did really well shooting ducks with a bow and arrow. I joke that he's ready for The Hunger Games!

Tuesday was busy because it was a (damn) early release day. I had to explain pick up and drop off times to my mom 10-20 times AND write them down AND I'm still not sure how much she understood. She now full gets why I complain about those days all the time! Still, she picked up the kids at the right time and place so all was well. We hung around, made popcorn chains to hang on the tree for the birds and helped the kids with homework until I had to leave for work, Then Mom made them a full breakfast for dinner, including bacon and sausage! Nice! Our pancake loving six year old was in heaven!

Wednesday brought Grams leaving and a busy night with piano (George) and CCD (everyone). I normally leave Cole with Adam but he went with me that night. Cole actually did really well, sat nicely and listened to the story. George's CCD class is nuts, though, so it was a typically busy night. I think we all fell asleep as soon as we got home!

Today's been a "the more things change, the more they stay the same" day. Six years ago our oldest was four and a half; now, our YOUNGEST is that same age! Six years ago I read Edward's story on-line and was planning on seeing Twilight in theaters. Now, I'm reading stuff about THG on-line and going to see Mockingjay tomorrow night with some friends. I picked up turkeys for the NICU Thanksgiving today; George is the reason for the Thanksgiving. All in all, pretty cool.

His party with his friends will be Sunday (just a small, at home thing) and then Adam's brother is coming into town. Having his uncle here will be so much fun for him! I think we're going to put up Christmas decorations on Black Friday and we're going to meet some friends that Saturday. He's going to be happy and worn out!

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