
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Call it a hunch

I'm going back to work as a swim coach and I have to re-take some training classes. No big deal, it's all basic safety stuff. However, open-water swimming is part of the training.

Call it a hunch but I doubt I'm going to need to know how to spot a shark- you know, living in a land locked state and all! It was pretty funny... Adam overheard the clip and asked, "WHAT are you training for?!"

Cole: Mommy, what we having for dinner?
Me: chicken and biscuits
Cole: I help?
Me: Sure.
Cole: Okay! I need hard boil egg with yolk, apples and applesauce! I get the apples!

We settled for making applesauce muffins to go with the chicken.

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