
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The middle of the first week

Back to school night was last night. It was only for parents, so Adam and I had to divide and conquer the whole "meet the teacher and learn about the curriculum" thing. I sent Adam to kindergarten since we've done that one three times before and know the teacher well. I might have laughed a little (a lot) when he got lost on the way to the classroom. I headed to third grade and we met up again to brief Joseph's teacher on.... Joseph.

Joe had Camille's teacher in second grade, so much of the information on her style of teaching wasn't new. However, she is very into technology and said the kids will be learning how to be independent learners, monitor their own work, make web pages and the codes that you can scan with your smart phone. Girlfriend's gonna be fixing my computer issues for me soon! The teacher also said that she's been working the kids very, very hard and they could be tired this week. THAT explains why I have had a grumpy, sour-faced princess on my hands this week. Thankfully, she adores school and this teacher is a perfect fit for her.

Joe's teacher is super sweet. She sounds like a great fit for him, strict but loving and down to earth. I have high hopes for him this year!

Of course, the little boys are doing awesome. I thought for sure that George would pass out from exhaustion in the afternoon but 3.5 hours a day, five days a week isn't much different from three hours a week, four days a week. Cole, on the other hand, has revised his emo-goth attitude and is a grouch. I threatened to re-name him Oscar.

Summer has chosen to show up and it's going to 100 degrees this weekend. It is the first time this has happened this summer but still. Ugh. I hope I can steal the older two away so we can see The Giver in a nice, cold AC theater.

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