
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

VBS, Round Two

Last year was George's first year at Vacation Bible School. It went about as well as a it could go, considering the child in question hates crowds, strangers, loud noises and had just gotten over the chicken pox. That is to say, it went not at all well.

George has grown alot in the past year. We've seen great changes in the past month alone. He doesn't have the chicken pox and is doing better when it comes to self regulation. People can understand him better now too.

I worked with a friend and the director of religious education to set up VBS so George could be successful. We have a "safe person" who is with him, the daughter of a friend who knows George well. If George needs to leave, she can take him out; otherwise she helps with everyone. Another friend is his teacher and he knows a few of the kids in his group.

It's only the second day but yesterday went well. I'm enjoying the hours I do have alone, knowing that I might not have them tomorrow. I'm watching the movies no one else likes, getting chores done and sitting in peace and quiet. The weather has been rainy, so I know the kids will be trapped inside and possibly stir-crazy in the afternoon.

Possibly? Heck, yeah, they will. Sigh. I thought VBS was supposed to make them tired?

Anyway, here's hoping the rest of the week goes well, for his sake and mine!

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