
Friday, May 30, 2014

Quick Takes Friday: The end of the school year

  1. This week I had to drive to four different drug stores and call three others to see if they have a medication one of my children needs. It seems like a first world problem, as this medication is not necessary to life but it is to our quality of life. I kinda felt like a drug addict going to all these places, asking if they had the medication in stock. Thankfully, everyone was super nice and I received wonderful customer service. In a stroke of luck, our Wal Mart has the medication so I don't have to drive to another town like I did last time.
  2. I'm being a suburban rebel again and hanging most of our laundry out to dry. I love seeing our clothes on a line, flapping in the breeze. Not only does it keep the house a touch cooler but I think sun and wind help with the "funk" our towels can sometimes hang onto and the "tween boy smell."
    I did promise Adam and the kids that I would not line dry his work clothes, socks or underwear. I also don't dry most kitchen towels in the sun, simply because they take up space on our one clothes line. I might start having the little boys drape the towels over the railings on the porch this summer, though. It seems like a good chore for a four and five year old.
  3. School is out today at 11:15. We're kicking off summer with a bang! We are going to party it up with some friends and then Camille has a belt test at night.  The boys have their first t-ball game Saturday and we have our pool opening party that night.
  4. I prepared for the summer by stocking up on food. My friend hashtags posts like this as "it's a feed them fund, not a college fund." Heh. She's right. Kids can EAT.
  5. I may or may not have bribed the children into doing school work over the summer with a trip to a local water park. Is it wrong that I fit their education in with exercise? Maybe?
  6. Speaking of reading, Joseph, Camille and I are going to read 10 books each this summer. So far, I am beating them, as I already finished "Something Other Than God." Joe is in the middle of reading a book about Greek myths. Camille hasn't found one she wants to read yet.
  7. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers this weekend, as I am heading to a nursing home to bring them Communion. I am terrified I will do or say something wrong!

Head over to Jen's at Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!

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