
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Answer Me This (Link up)


1. Beach or Mountains? Where would you rather be?

I believe the answer to this is: yes. I live in the Midwest but grew up all over the east coast and the Pacific. Some days I am blown away by the prairie-ness of where I live and I ache for trees and hills and water and sand and... You get the idea. I love where I live but a color other than the beige of the dry grass and trees bigger than me would be nice.

2. Which is more fun: Christmas Eve, or Christmas morning? I should say Mass on Christmas Eve but let's be honest here: Christmas morning. Christmas Eve is totally insane chaos, with "Screaming baby" Mass at 4 or 5, trying to see the in-laws before they head to Mass at 9, a pizza dinner and then getting the insanely excited kids to bed. I MUCH prefer waking up at the butt-crack of dawn to happy excited kids, eating cinnamon rolls, opening gifts and staying in jammies alllll day.  In short, I love Mass but the hyper active kids and general insanity of Christmas Eve make Christmas morning the winner.
3. What’s the most embarrassing childhood outfit you remember wearing? I grew up in the 80's. No, you will not get pictures. I don't think the 90's were too bad and when we lived in Hawaii I wore short, slippahs (flip-flops), tank tops and/or swimming themed t-shirts and/or a bathing suit.
I did wear an awful lot of "stripey" dresses when I was 8-10. Think the Hanna Andersson play/day dresses but not as cute. 

4. Your house is quiet, you don’t have to do work (housework included). What do you do? After my mind is blown? Crochet! Quilt! Facebook! Write! Get crafty with spray paint! Sew! DO ALL THE THINGS!
 5. What movie do you want to watch when you’re feeling under the weather? Depends on what I am interested in. Sometimes Anne of Green Gables or Avonlea. Lately Percy Jackson or the Hunger Games. I'm angsty like that. 
 6. Did you have an American Girl doll when you were little? If so, which one? Oh, wow. This question was so made for me. Yes! I have the pre-Mattel Pleasant Company dolls still in their original boxes. I mean, dollS, plural. I used to collect dolls, before I had kids and expenses and things. My aunt is a doll collector and sent me Samantha for Christmas one year. I was HOOKED. I have: Kirsten, Samantha, Molly, Felicity, Josefina, Kit, Addy and tons of their accessories. Some were made by my mother or aunt and some where bought from the company. 
My daughter has: a Bitty Baby,  the Bitty Twins, Kainai, Caroline, Isabel, and a look-alike doll. Adam rolls his eyes but we both like the dolls and stories. I love that she uses her imagination to play with them and and is into dolls, not boys or electronic devices. Plus, she's learning history when she reads the historical books. 
Yes, I love me some AG dolls. No judging, no shame!

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