
Monday, April 7, 2014


Six weeks old, Cole's baptism. They were so little... but now
 George can wear the outfit Joe was wearing!
I'm not sure when I happened but my baby Bear grew up.

When I bring up pictures for this blog, some of the first in the file are of newborn Cole, my sweet, hairy full term baby. I can still remember how he smelled at birth- just like the earth. He was warm and toasty, defining the term "freshly baked." When I called my mother, I said, "I can't believe how big he is!" My mom replied, "I can't believe he has hair!"

He's really the perfect addition to our family, the final piece of the puzzle, a wonderful gift. (Yes, just like all his siblings!)

This year, we will have a small party at home with just the family. I'm baking a "car boom" (monster truck) cake. He requested a "Red light saber" and Darth Vader costume. The costume is coming but we also got him two Star Wars figures to play with. I think he will be quite happy!

Happy birthday to my sweet Baby Bear... we love you so much!

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