
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Quick Takes Friday: IEP, Lent and a FAIL

  1. I needed to be reminded of this: 
"We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials." -- St. Teresa of Avila
It could be debated how close I am to Christ (as I grumpily told my therapist, God and I are NOT BFFs right now) but that brought me comfort.
2. And this: Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” 
― Fulton J. Sheen

I think I'm in the middle of Good Friday. Not that what I am going through is close to being alone, denied by your friends, beaten and nailed to a cross for the sake of humankind... but hey! 

3. On a less serious note, Cole's teacher caught me during carpool to tell me that she didn't write any academic IEP goals because... he doesn't need them! He is doing so well and is beyond where they expect typical peers to be! Yay Bear!

4. Tonight at dinner, Camille said, "My friend told me that when you reach forty, your life is HALF OVER!" Considering we turn 35 this year, we were not amused. Joseph was smart enough to not laugh.

5. In other news, we now have only three children.... *wink*

6. I am pretty sure Purgatory might be a giant Pine Wood Derby. My kids are in Adventure Guides with my husband and they too have a pine wood derby. This year we borrowed the boy scouts track so it was more "official" with light up signs telling us who won and a computer system. Man, those Boy Scouts take their little wooden car racing seriously. We got there at nine and did not leave until 12:30. It was . . . long. And official. As usual, Joseph made it to the semi finals and Camille pooped out in the first round. She shed many tears and Adam and I are baffled as to why she always looses and he always wins.

7. Catholic parenting fail: Giving your kids lunch money on a Friday in Lent without checking the menu. The kids had a choice of meat pizza or hamburgers. Ops.

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