
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ow. Ow. Owwwww.

I need to lose weight. It's just a fact. I probably could be considered obese, maybe, but I know I fall into the overweight category. My problems, though, are many:

1. I do not like people watching me exercise. Swimming is GREAT but I can't see people watching me and I get into my own little world. I like pilates and yoga but the times aren't good for me.

2. Childcare at our gym is horrid. However, the price is right and Adam loves their masters swim program.

3. It's too cold to run. Blech.

4. I do not like workout videos.

However, I DO like riding a bike so I thought I would try a cycling/spin class. I hesitated but a friend told me to go, get a bike in the back if I wanted and try. She also told me they dim the lights and you can cycle in the nice, relaxing dark. Yay! Then another friend suggested swapping childcare for two days a week. Her son and George are good friends so we knew it would work out.

I tried the cycle class today and while I don't looooove it, it didn't bore me to tears. I like the instructor, who was helpful without being pushy. I liked the challenge of keeping my RPMs within a certain range. There are two classes a week that work for me, so I think I will work up to going twice a week.

I'm not going to focus on weight loss but rather on getting stronger. I know I will have to cut calories (boooo) and eat more veggies (don't mind that, really) and less wine (ack!) at some point. Maybe that can be my Lenten goal? Not sure. Now I just need to focus on getting to the gym more... and how to get up those stairs to shower because, man, my tushie hurts!

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