
Monday, December 9, 2013

WaldenMommy Gift Guide

Now that the Natural Parents Network Gift Guide is over, it's time for the WaldenMommy Gift Guide! Here is a recap of reviews I've done over the years, in order to help you with some of that last minute shopping. All giveaways are closed but the reviews are still valid! If I have updated links, I have updated them here.

In now particular order:

Yum Earth Organics Candy

Texture Clothing

Paisley Place Stitching

A review of books for Catholic Kids

Weightless by Kate Wicker

The Boys Upstairs. - The direct link to the book on Muse it Up Publishing Good Reads link

Elizabeth Pantley's No- Cry books

Cool Caps and Cool Straws by Green-Paxx- We have been using this almost daily since the review and they are still in perfect condition!

Great Cakes - After this review, I bought her Valentine's Day soap and loved it!

This is not an exhaustive list of my reviews and I only listed ones that might make a great gift for someone you love. If you are interested in doing a review and giveaway with me, please see the sidebar for my policies. All disclaimers are on the reviews themselves.

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