
Friday, December 13, 2013

Quick Takes Friday: This week

1. Whoa. Dude. This week, man, this week.

It all began when Adam left for New Orleans Sunday night. He had a traning to go to. My mother-in-law said the week would go by fast but I just shot her a dirty look. A week, alone, with four kids in 2013? Oh, no. Nothing was going to go fast.

I was right.It dragged and in more ways than one.

2. Aside from the general crazy life, things went fine. George and I took off for Aldi. He's pretty good about not wanting wheat products, aside form bread. I am going to try and make him a good allergen free bread this weekend. He misses his toast. I am so thankful our Aldi has almond milk and I can get a variety of fruits and veggies there. They even have gluten free chex! I'm still working on what has cross contamination and what doesn't, so for now I am doing my best when it comes to labels.

3. George has eaten alot of hot dogs, peanut butter and apples and some rice this week. However, I did manage GF EF DF chicken fingers that the kids ate. I will blog about those soon!

4. Come about Tuesday or Wends, I started feeling REALLY bad. My teeth hurt. They had been hurting for a few days but it was worse and the pain was moving around. I made an appointment with my chiropractor but then I couldn't eat. My internet friends (whom I asked- not like I could leave the house!) told me to go to the dentist. I wasn't sure it was a dental problem but 48 hours without proper food was making me grumpy.

5. I called the dentist first thing in the morning. My status said, "Taking two kids to the dentist. It's like hell frosted in hell." Only- they were perfect little angels. Stayed in the waiting room and played nicely while I had x-rays.

6. It turns out I have a sinus infection. As my prize, I got ten days of antibiotics. I think the last time I took them, I had mastitis with Cole so I am not too fussed. I got adjusted and feel better, although still tired. I didn't think I was having problems breathing, but once I was adjusted, I realized I was.

7. In addition to the sinus problems, kids missing Daddy, the DOG missing Daddy, we got an ice storm the same day water poured out of my washing machine. I might had had a small snit fit. Thankfully, Adam got home on time, fixed the washing machine and got me ice cream. I'm going to sleep until Sunday...

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