
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Different this year

We put the Christmas decorations up this past weekend. It's become a tradition to do them on the 29th, the day George came home from the NICU. We don't really have any tradition surrounding our decorations, aside from arguing over where the tree goes and Adam trying to corral the ever-expanding Nativity set(s). (I have multiple and one that grows. My parents got me the wine vineyard this year- score!)

Because I love Christmas, I have lots of little things all over the house. But this year, I scaled back. The Jesse tree is packed away. I can't handle policing one more thing with the insane three year old who spent all Thanksgiving weekend jumping onto or off the couch. I didn't have the energy to put away our daily kitchen items to bring out the special napkins or towels. I left part of our snow scene packed away. Adam never puts out outside lights so that didn't matter... although I am on the hunt for wreaths to hang from the windows.

It's different but still festive. I enjoyed unpacking my nativities and hanging up the wire card-tree that I bought the year George was born. (A Christmas present to myself, as I love Christmas cards!) The wreath I made last year is up. I've mailed the first batch of cards and I find myself looking forward to making homemade marshmellows as gifts for the teachers.

Christmas is different this year... and that is really okay. It's still good.

1 comment:

  1. We have only have one tree and all other decorations hung up so little hands don't rip it down. The bottom 2 feet of our tree is bare because my 11 month old can not stay away from it.
