
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Getting ready for Kindy: IEP meeting

I have no idea why I get myself worked up over IEP meetings. I know the staff and they know me. They have shown nothing but kindness and caring and have George's best interests at heart. We are on the same page in terms of knowing his abilities, goals and diagnosis. I know the lingo, and what helped write IEPs myself. Still, my anxiety goes into over drive and I get all nervous, especially when I think about the transition to kindergarten and throwing MY BABY to the wolves.

See what I mean about anxiety? I know, personally and professional, all the kindy teachers at school and I LOVE them. ADORE. Either one would be wonderful with George. Still, when I think about him in the classroom without paras in and out to help him, with people who haven't known him for three year, without his speech therapist and a group of children who are tolerant and accepting of his speech... AH! ZOLOFT!

I'm breathing....

Anyway, as par for the course, I had nothing to worry about. We are on the same page. In our district, half day kindergarten is free while you have to pay 350/month for full day. We discussed if George would be better served in half or full day. I made it clear that we will do what is in his best interest but we cannot afford the 350/month. Without help (and it looks like there won't be) he will be in half day school. We talked about his services and we can hopefully get all those done after his kindergarten in the morning. Cole will be in ther afternoon preschool class then and I hope I can get it done when Cole is in school. I don't want G pulled out of class for services, missing academic time.

The special ed teacher was there and we talked at length about what G can do and what the preschool team expects academic wise. G knows some letters, can count and is writing really well. We need to keep him on the track of good academic skills.

While there's lots of worries and stresses going on right now, I am so, so thankful that I do not have to battle the school district over services he needs or will get. I don't anticipate everything always being easy with the school but right now, we are all on the same page and he is getting exactly what he needs and I am thankful for that.

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