
Thursday, October 10, 2013

When Mommy is Away....

... the mice just miss her.

Or so says Daddy. I think he just missed me and used the kids as an excuse. After all, Cole ignored me the moment I got back and didn't have anything to do with me until I pulled out some donuts (Round Rock Donuts!) I brought home.

I digress....

Back in July, a friend and I met up when we were both in WI. We were mom friends nine years ago when we were in playgroup together. Our playgroup was pretty awesome and most of us have kept in touch thanks to the wonders of Facebook and blogging. My friend and I had been trying to get together for several years and it finally worked out. One of us made the comment that all of us that were still friends should get together for a moms weekend away.

Our mutual friend, B, said, "Let's not put this off. Let's do it!" We quickly agreed on a weekend and a place (Austin). B and I drove down together, another friend flew in and the fourth lived close enough that she just drove.


B and I made fantastic time going down and got it not fifteen minutes after A and K. We had dinner at a great restaurant within walking distance from the hotel. I was craving chips and salsa and they had... chips and salsa. I think the chips were homemade. Yummmm....

We spent the next two days wandering around town, in and out of little shops and just missing getting caught in the rain. We ate at NON-CHAIN restaurants (woot!) and had the best blueberry-pomegranate margaritas. We caught up on the past year(s), bought fun stuff for our kids and generally had a blast. I went to Ikea for the first time ever and did a little Christmas shopping... a little wishing... and a little picture taking. An Ikea opens up in my town in about 18 months so I have over a year to justify a few things I need/want/think are really cool. I did buy some of those "pet towers," a couple things to put on the boys' wall to hold books or toys, and a paper-roll holder so the kids can pull out large rolls of paper. I also got something to hold all those plastic bags we have and a Christmas decoration. Not bad for my first time and when my idea was to BUY ALL THE THINGS!

I can  home happy, refreshed, to new counters and my mom, who helped take care of the kids that Sunday. I vote we make this an annual trip but I am not sure our husband's agree.

(Tough cookies, dear!)

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