
Friday, September 13, 2013

Quick Takes Friday: I'm being positive, darn it!

1. I'm really focusing on being positive this week. I knew it would be a rough week- what with the 12th anniversary of 9/11 and all- so I am focusing on all the super cool AWESOME stuff going on!

2. Like, 31 is going to be releasing Care Ribbons soon. You can get them in any color 31 offers and with or without text. Consultants can pre-order them, so I ordered a purple one with "March4Babies" under it. It should be hear in time for the NICU Reunion!

3. Speaking of the NICU reunion, they asked me to donate some 31 stuff for a silent auction. I agreed and put together a super cute solution set for them. It was a bit last minute so I hope it arrives by Sunday!

4. Friday, I got word my Erin Condren planner shipped! I silently cheer every time the FedEx guy comes to our street but so far, no dice. Come on, FedEx! Laura's got the fall to plan! Oh, and did I mention it has a Thoreau quote on the front? How awesome!

5. In the car pool line, Cole said, "I had 'nack!" as they were getting him in the car. He's really talking more now; normally, he would shake his head yes or no to questions and only talk to his main teacher. Now we're hearing more sentences that are age-appropriate, even if they are very hard to understand.

6. Speaking of speech, George has been asking for a snack after TKD. A few weeks ago, I handed him a dollar and told him to tell the lady what he wanted. I had to stand behind him to translate, but he asked for fruit snacks, said please, thank you and handed over the dollar with minimal help! I'm very proud of him! It takes a lot of guts for a four year old to purchase something on their own, let alone a four year old who knows people have trouble understanding him.

7. I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season the other day! Yay for pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING!

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