
Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I'm not sure how to begin this post. I'm not sure how to write it. I'm not sure how to get through this without crying.

I suppose I should begin with George's godparents.

I first met George's godmother on-line on a website for local attachment parents. We bonded over being some of the few conservative, Catholic, NFP users of the bunch. We got to know each other better and they joined our parish. Our kids played well together and we would meet up for playdates, at Bible Study and other events in the area. We were so close that she was supposed to be at George's birth but the little turkey decided to come early, when her husband was away on business!

Both godparents have been an incredible support to us over the past few years. They even help out with the NICU Thanksgiving even though they have never had a NICU baby. They love and dote on George and have been some of his biggest cheerleaders, never doubting that he can do (what sometimes seems) the impossible.

About a month ago, they told us about a charity called Hannah and Friends that awards grants to children with special needs. These grants can be used to help the families afford therapy for their children. She encouraged me to apply and I did... except for one piece of paperwork from the school.

I waited on that one piece of paperwork but it never came. I decided it wasn't ment to be and I would apply next year.

On Saturday, his godmother called me and said, "Laura! Get that final piece of paper in! They have a grant for you!"

I was shocked speechless. "Will they take a letter from his SLP?" I asked. After calling around, a woman from the group called me and said, "Yes! E-mail a letter from his SLP as soon as possible and we'll bring you the check!"

His SLP is writing a letter and will e-mail it to me tomorrow. As soon as that final piece of paper gets there, we have a grant that will pay for a month of speech therapy.

When I told Adam this, he hugged me and said, "I feel like I should buy a lottery ticket!" I cried. We all agree that George's godparents have clearly "done their duty" (although I know they will continue to pray for him and spoil him!)

How blessed are we to have people like this in our life? People who love us and our son. People who help us out. Thank you doesn't begin to tell you how much we appreciate this.

But it's all I can say: thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank  you for loving us. Thank you for helping my son get a voice.

Now go check out Hannah and Friends and maybe give them some Facebook love.

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