
Monday, August 26, 2013

Birthday weekend

My birthday weekend started off with a long walk with the little boys. As I was coming home, a sappy song came on Pandora and I started to cry. Later, I realized I was having a deep, emotional reaction . . . to the Twilight theme. Sigh. Not a way to begin my birthday!

When we got home, I showered and we went to TKD and Wal Mart. I needed bittersweet chocolate to finish off the birthday cake I was making for myself but I couldn't find anything. When I cook, I will sub stuff left and right, add and take away but when I bake, I MUST.FOLLOW.THE.RECIPE. I had a moment where I couldn't find the bittersweet chocolate, so I grabbed the unsweetened stuff.

This was a mistake. Don't do that.

When I got home, the boys had lunch and I got to work making the frosting and chocolate filling. This was first time making a boiled buttercream frosting. I was super nervous, especially since I had to use a double boiler method to mix the egg whites ad sugar. I was pretty sure I would burn the dickens out of myself or have sugary scrambled egg whites.

However, that DIDN'T happen and I had a nice, smooth mixture of sugar and eggs! I dumped it all into Molly the Mixer and began adding the butter.

And adding.

And adding... five sticks in all.

The sugar, eggs and butter mixed up well but the frosting was not whipping up creamy like it should. It was more "melted butter and sugar" not frosting. I didn't panic; I just called my friend who is wiz with cakes. On her advice, I kept whisking it with Molly and after about ten minutes, it began to look like frosting. Yay!

This was the end result:

I liked it, my parents liked it, Cole liked it, Adam hated it. Win some, lose some! I now have a good quarter of this cake in the fridge and 3/4 of a Lemon Mergaine Pie. I need to run all this week!

Friday night, Adam, Dad and the kids went to a baseball game while Mom and I went out for dinner. We had Tapas and then went shopping. I showed her my new favorite store, Francesca's, I got a new shirt and a couple teacher things on sale for gifts later in the year. Mom purchases earrings at another store.

Saturday was fun because we went to the AmericanGirl Store... and Mom bought a doll for herself! Molly is retiring and she said she's always wanted Molly. She got the doll, accessories and school set. Cami looked around, wished and then we went out to get her shoes. That night we went to the Pool Closing party at the neighborhood pool and came home with 90 per cent of the lost and found and tons of meat. (The lost ad found lives in my laundry room and I want it OUT. I mean, I seriously have so much crud in there that I wonder how anyone in our neighborhood is wearing clothes!)

Sunday, Joseph and I got up early for 7:30 Mass. We had a visiting priest from Liverpool, England and he had a great homily about prayer, considering the religious life and Confession. I thought about signing up for an Adoration Hour but I have enough on my plate now. Well Adam must have been inspired because after he went to Mass (at 9 am), he and a friend agreed to split and hour. If she can't go, one of us will. I think it sounds like a great idea.

After Mass, everyone (my parents, Adam's sister and parents) all came over for brunch. We had a nice meal, more cake and pie and then they booked it. I ended my birthday weekend with a 2 hour nap and I'm going to see if I can force everyone to watch "Oz, The Great and Powerful" today.

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