
Monday, July 22, 2013

Potty training follow up


Apparently, all I have to do is a) post about my kid's potty training on the internet and b) leave town for a training.  Why? Shortly after that post went live, I had to leave town for a few days. While I was gone, Adam sent me a text saying, "Guess who went poopy on the potty?"

After congratulating him on taking 34 years to learn how to use the toilet, I asked how that blessed miracle occurred. He said he just put Cole on the potty and encouraged him.

Indeed. Like I've been discouraging him for the past month?!

Anyway, they were all headed out to get ice cream and pretty happy. Cole only had two poop accidents the rest of the week, so we're deeming him potty trained and I gave a good portion of my stash to my sister. The rest is getting sold and I'm taking the cash and running to the bank screaming, "Freeedom!," a la Lightening McQueen, at the top of my lungs.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for pooping on the potty. I highly recommend it over lets say: pooping on the floor, the tub, or the kiddie pool.
