
Friday, June 21, 2013

Quick Take Friday: The 'Hood Edition

On NPN today there's an article on how to tell if you are a natural parent. You need to go over and read it, if only for the super cute picture of me and George. Hard to believe that snuggly, sweet bald baby is my giant 4 and a half year old! Even harder to believe? It was taken when I was in labor with Cole!
I have some of the sweetest neighbors. Two days ago, I posted on FB that my washer was broken and I was thinking of taking five kids to the Laundromat to do a load. Within a few minutes, I had several neighbors saying I could drop the wash off at their house and they would run it for me! How sweet is that?
Adam fixed the washer that night.
I'm a little concerned our neighbors might be getting the correct impression of us. The other day, they were watching as I was hanging laundry on the line. Then we were tie-dying t-shirts outside. Cole is normally out there in just a bathing suit and we have a vegetable garden with tomatoes, strawberries (eaten by the rabbits), herbs, broccoli (success!) and zucchini (oh, please, not again!) I suspect they would complain to the HOA about the hippies except my husband is ON the HOA and in charge of the pool. He hands out the pool keys so people want to keep him happy. As soon as he steps down, there might be some complaints about the barefoot wife, half-naked children and organic garden.
I think they should be thankful I am chicken-phobic.
The other day, I said to George, "As soon as we get home from dropping Cole at school, we'll need to clean the house."
"Who coming over?"
"Who's coming over? No one. We just need to clean."
"Who coming over?"
I guess I only clean when we have company over!
Speaking of cleaning, I am currently maintaining a level that will just keep us off "Hoarders." I'm still trying to figure out how the house gets so dirty yet my children play  Minecraft and hangout at the pool all day!