
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Summer Bucket List

Woohoo! In a few weeks, the kids will all be out of school and within two days, I will be exhausted and wondering when school will begin again! Ha, not really. I like having them under foot. Anyway, to avoid a repeat of last summer when the kids didn't do anything because we were traveling so much, I've signed them up for a few activities and planned for several more trips to keep them occupied. Here's our Summer 2013 Bucket List:

  • Potty train Cole
  • Get the Herd on a daily chore routine. This mean you will be working, kiddos!
  • Swim lessons for the big kids and, as an added bonus, the little dudes too! (right now, only the big ones are signed up. We'll see how the little ones do at the pool before I throw them to the WSIs.)
  • Read the book Food Chaining and work on George's eating enough to keep him out of feeding therapy. (BTW, that's an affliate link, yo.)
  • Go swimming- alot!
  • Find a new TV show to be addicted to now that Call the Midwife is ending for the season!
  • Take the kids to the aquariam or LegoLand. Bonus: Convince Adam to trvael to Omaha for their zoo/aquariam.
  • Not cry buckets and buckets when my niece comes home from the NICU. Note: I will fail at this.
  • Let the kids each have a special night at Camp Grandma and Grandpa.
  • Clean out the closets and organize the masterbedroom and little boys room.
  • Hang the gallery wall
  • Keep running! We routinely get 100+ degree days in the summer so this will be pretty hard as I do not like heat or sweating. Bah!
  • Work on building up the 31 business.
  • Have us all eat more fruits and veggies.
  • Vacation Bible School
  • try alot of the summer pins, messy crafts and sewing ideas I have on Pinterest.
  • Work on reading with Camille, speech and fine motor skills with the boys and keep Joseph up to speed.
  • visit some of the awesome history musems we have in the area.
The days can be so long with four kids under the roof all summer long. Plus, they eat me out of house and home, so I need to keep them busy! I think I need more ideas; hit me with your best ones!
What ideas do you have on your bucket list?


  1. Great bucket list! Ours includes moving to a first home (which we need to find and get a contract on before 6/3 to take advantage of the old FHA laws)

  2. Love bucket lists! Thanks for the reminder!
