Monday, March 25, 2013

So much for "spring" break!

Yep, "spring" break was last week, which explains my lack of posting. I was too busy trying to keep the kids from killing each other and/or going insane. My saving grace was a birthday party in the middle of the week. My friend had a joint party for her two kids the same age as BigBrother and Princess. She figured by the middle of spring break, parents would be more than happy to drop their kids off for two hours of fun filled bouncing.

Oh, hell yes.

See, it was Spring Break in name only. In fact, spring so far has been something like this:

It snowed not once, not twice, but constantly. Bear had a speech appointment and it snowed heavily in the middle of it, rendering the SLP unable to hear his speech over the cries of "SNOW!!" coming from the kitchen. A few days later, it snowed again, just as we were getting ready to leave to visit my parents. I don't like driving in the snow and I really hate driving in bad weather of any form. (Remind me to tell you about driving through a thunderstorm/tornadoes in 2009.) Thankfully, the snow stopped and the sun came out about two hours into the 4-5 hour trip.

We spent a few days visiting family and then had to leave several hours early due to a blizzard that was supposed to chase us home. The highway through several states was going to be closed due to winter storm Virgil and we wanted to get home before the storm hit. We were an hour away, and still getting radio stations from a nearby city, when  the emergancy weather alarm went off on the radio.The kids freaked but nothing was happening outside.

About an hour or so from home, the storm caught up to us. The snowflakes were huge but not sticking until we were much closer to home. We grabbed Chipolte and had dinner at home.

I'm exhausted, due, in no small part, to it being cycle day two. I took not one but THREE naps today and stayed home from Mass. (No desire to juggle Bear during Mass while my uterus was trying to burst from my belly like some bad Alien movie.)  I have to be more awake tomorrow because the Princess has an eye therapy evaluation and people are coming to paint the inside of my house.

Speaking of that, I never thought naked walls would give me an anxiety attack but I am thisclose to medicating myself. It reminds me of when we were staging our Old House to move and I do NOT like the mess and naked-ness and non-routine and and and ... that painting entails. The good news that our house will look all fresh and purdy and clean in about 48 hours. The bad news? It will take 48 seconds for someone to color on our newly painted walls. (I'm looking at YOU, Bear.)

So. That was our spring break: snow, my uterus trying to kill me and naked walls. Actually, there was more, like the Special Kind of Hell that is taking a kid with eating issues and SPD to a (new! out of town! off routine!) resturant, a Toddler Who Naps In Said Resturant And Wakes Up Screaming and realizing I buy the same pair of jeans as my mother....

I leave you with this:

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