
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Surf: The Papal Lenten Edition

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaI'm joining Authentic Parenting and Hobo Mama for Sunday Surf. Share your best reading of the week, and link up your post at either blog!
For more great reading, visit Hobo Mama or Authentic Parenting for the latest Sunday Surf and linky.
Happy Surfing!

(Can you get more Catholic than that title? I think not!)

Did Lent sneak up on you this year? It did for the Hippie Housewife. She has Ten Ways to Observe Lent in her post "When Lent Sneaks Up on You.". Be sure to click on her link about lighting candles and read the combox. I think we need on of those candle holders!

For many children, the pope is an abstract figure. We talk about him, we pray for him, he's obviously a big deal... but they can't really grasp the concept of how important he is. With Pope Benedict's historic move Monday, however, I think it's important to talk to children about his move. Our Sunday Vistor has some tips for talking with children about his resignation.

I swear, when people ask me my opnion on things, I should just see if Simcha Fischer has written anything on the subject and then just quote her. "Goodbye, Papa" on NCR sums up my feelings nicely, especically when she talks about the misinformed and untruths about our faith that will be huirtled in the next weeks:

The next few weeks will be awful. We'll hear so many lies, so many foolish, ridiculous ideas about our Church, our faith. It's going to hurt.
I suppose this is our little via dolorosa, with the jeering crowds lining the street on both sides. These tough, ancient men can keep on walking, and so can we.

Read more:

You may have already heard that Pope Benedict gave some early clues that he might do this. Scott Hauhn recounts an interesting event hat happened years ago.

via Catholic Memes on FB

Okay, enough about the Pope...

On her Facebookpage, Momma Jorje shared the post I Regretted MyAmnio by the author of With a Little Moxie. It's a profound read,

I love reading Life with Jack. Jack's mother Jessi always has good insights about life with a preemie and navigating the world of special needs. This post, Finding Help and Encouragement, encourages parents of children with special needs and lists some great suppot resources for parents.

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