
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Surf: 2/10

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaI'm joining Authentic Parenting and Hobo Mama for Sunday Surf. Share your best reading of the week, and link up your post at either blog!
For more great reading, visit Hobo Mama or Authentic Parenting for the latest Sunday Surf and linky.
Happy Surfing!

Two of Fred Phelp's (of Westboro Baptist fame) granddaughters have left his "church." Damsel, Arise! was written by Jeff Chu. Damsel, Arise! is an interview of one of the granddaughters. While the article lets the readers draw their own conclusions about Megan, I felt it was very complentary towards her. I admire her bravery for stepping away from everything she knew an her entire family. I do not, however, think that her family acts in love, nor do they think they act in love. Anyone who carries around a sign with "hate" on it and thinks anyone is beyond redemption does not act in love.

However, this article reminds me that we need to pray for te Phelps family, especially the new generation coming up. No one is beyond saving and redemption.

What are your thoughts on this article? Remember to be kind and respectful in your comments.

Under the heading of "hell, no, they did NOT!" is this: Anne of Green Gables gets a make-over. I am not above re-doing covers of books or updating editions so they look fresh and new. But that? THAT is an aboination! I feel the urge to watch my "Anne" and "Avonlea" DVDs to purge the image from my mind.

101 Practical Fasting Ideas for Lent may not be as cool as mine (who am I kidding, it's cooler!) but they do have great ideas for Lent. I love some of their specific prayer ideas, like the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I might do that!

If you are a birth story junkie, and even if you are not, you need to read The Home Birth Ceasaran of Canon Patrick  over at Fine and Fair. It's the story of an adorable baby, a strong mother and a loving, supportive father. I love birth, all birth, no matter how the baby gets out. It's so... *sniffle.*

Valentine's Day is this week. It starts the day after Lent, boo. But, the kids have off and I'll plan a special dinner at home for all of us. Right now, they are busy making Valentine Boxes for their class parties. Camille is bringing in butterfly lollipops from Skip to My Lou. I'm doing bubbles for George's class. Joseph swears he is going to write his name on each of the 40 pieces of candy he has for his class (two pieces each). I tried to get him to do something cute but he refused. Huh. Boys!


  1. That Anne cover is bizarre! What in the world. Did they miss the part in the story where she's a redhead? And a little kid?

    LOVE Canon's birth story. Sniff!

  2. I know! It's the most INSANE thing EVER! Since we have a snow day, I think I should show my daughter the joys of the "Anne" movies, no?:)
