
Monday, November 5, 2012

Do you like free stuff? I do!

I LOVE freebies!

No, scratch that, I love freebies I can use!

Until two years ago, I never entered blog giveaways. I was just really getting into blogging and I entered a giveaway for a set of unpaper towels from Weird Bird. I won them! After that, I entered a few more- and won! One year, I even won a toy car that counts forwards and backwards in several different languages! That was wonderful because it was George's birthday present that year. Just a few moments of my time saved us over thirty dollars!

I have also won soaps, lotions and bags from other giveaways. I tend to enter the smaller ones and ones for things I would actually use but might be hesitant on buying. Plus, review and giveaways often have a coupon code attached, so if I don't win, it is worth my time buy something to see if I like the prouduct myself.

The holiday season is coming up and, in my house, we also have birthdays before and after Christmas. I am always looking to save a few dollars and will be entering giveaways to try and win presents for my family and others.

On WaldenMommy, I have a giveaway for Elizabeth Pantley's books. There will be TWO winners and you get to chose which book you would like. This holiday season, give yourself the gift of sleep! (or potty training or...)

The Natural Parents Network is hosting a HUGE giveaway for the holidays. No, it's not just baby stuff. There are clothes, toys, art supplies, jewlery- you made it, they probably have it. I can tell you I am lusting after some of the teas for myseld and art supplies for my dughter! They also have loads of coupon codes if you want t

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