
Friday, October 12, 2012

Quick Takes Friday: Foooooddddd!

When my parents visited for my birthday in August, I teased my mother that she neeeevvvver makes me my favorite pie. It also happens to be my father's fave, so when we went to their house last week, I scored a whole pie just for me!
It may or may not be almost gone. I may or may not be the only person in the house who likes this pie. You decide!
The other night, George ate FIVE helpings of spaghetti. I guess he likes it?
I am in a cooking rut, which means there are no Menu Plan Mondays because my menu seems to be spaghetti, sandwiches, eggs and so on. I'm just "meh" on cooking.
Oh, and sick of eating on the go and packing PBH.
We think George has eating issues related to his Apraxia. The GREAT news? He is eating enough to grow and develop. The GOOD news? He eats healthy foods, like oatmeal, fruit and all natural peanut butter. The bad news? His diet is mostly soft and/or sweet items, few veggies and few meats. (No, he doesn't eat beans.) Thankfully, he has hunger cues and I use tricks like putting flax seed or coconut oil in pancakes to give them a nutritional boost. And he eats those! But his diet is becoming more limited, which is no good.
Hopefully, we will be able to help him at home and he will NOT need feeding therapy.
Speaking of therapy, we are applying for grants to help pay for said therapy. I feel like I am in college again, what with all the paperwork and whatnot.
No, he will not drink smoothies so don't suggest I put everything in the almighty smoothie.


  1. How does George not qualify for Speech Therapy through early intervention? Just a curious question.

  2. No worries! He's to old for Infant and Toddler Programs. Those begin at tbirth and end on the child's third bithday. He attends the Special Needs/Peer model preschool at our local preschool. That is free and funded by government money. However, the nature of the CAS beast is such that children with CAS need frequent and intense therapy. He needs more than what the school can give him, so he goes to private therapy 2 times a week. That is out of pocket, since our insurence won't pay for it.

  3. Please let us know any tricks you find! Teddy won't touch veggies, fruits, pasta, sauces, etc. His diet is yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, bread, pizza, chicken nuggets and french fries, and junk! I'm considering asking his occupational therapist to work with him and offer suggestions. He will eat the babyfood pouches, so I can at least sneak them in that way.
