
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I am proud of myself.

I have zero computer skillz.



Yes, I have this here blog and a Facebook page but I could not create a web site to save my life. My friend's husband recently told me and a group of other bloggers how to make badgers for our sites. His directions are simple and clear... and left me going "uuuhhhh... I don't get it."

This mornig I was hit with a virus that no amount of Vitamin C could knock out. Yep, it was a computer virus, the new one that tells you the government is after you and can be bought off for a mere 200 dollars. (I didn't realize that the government could be bribed so cheaply!)

After a not-so-helpful session with a tech support guy, I Googled the name of the virus and how to get rid of it. Following the instructions, I used our Admin Account to download the anti-virus software and ran it. It took all day, but when I rebooted my computer, it wasn't shouting at me that the government wanted me to send them cash.

I (think, I hope so, maybe!) fixed my computer! By MYSELF!

Yes, I realize this is up there with cleaning my oven by hitting the self-cleaning button but  fixed the problem on my computer. MYSELF.

Now, we won't talk about how many M&M's my two year old ate to keep him happy while Mommy fixed the computer... but I did it. MYSELF.

Maybe next time it won't take as many M&M's!

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