
Monday, September 24, 2012

Menu/recipes: Smoothies

I normally do not do smoothies. Green smoothies are all the rage and I just cannot drink something that is GREEN or tastes like pureed spinach. In fact, cooked greens are one of the few foods I will not eat. In a salad, fine. Cooked in something? No. No way.

But I need the benefits from them, so I finally managed to make a "green but not in color" smoothie. I use a knock off Magic Bullet which works great, even if it is loud and slow. Yes, it's a pain in the rear to drag everything out of the fridge and make it but it's good for me and with two medical professional breathing down my neck to loose weight... yeah.

I suppose I shouldn't have eaten a donut with this, though, huh?

In your Magic Bullet, blender, food processor or whatever, put:

a handful of kale
1-2 cubes of Trader Joe's green juice. (I buy the bottle, freeze the juice in ice cube trays and then put all the cubes in a baggie in the freezer)
1-2 tablespoons of plain greek yogurt
1 tablespoon flax seed
1-2 tablespoons frozen OJ concentrate
frozen mixed berries- blueberries, raspberries, etc. This makes the smoothie NOT green!
almond milk

Blend together. When it is well blended, add more almond milk, if desired, and blend until smooth. I have also need know to add the "leftover" pureed fruit from Cole's fruit pouches. This adds a but more fruit to the smoothie and the pouch doesn't go to waste.

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