
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/11 Linky Love

In honor of 9/11 I asked some of my fellow bloggers to share their posts about 9/11. These posts could be anything relating to that day- memories, patrotic pictures, thoughts on peace and so forth. Here are some of their words. Please visit their blogs and leave some love!

This time last year, Kelly from wrote about her memories of 9/11/01 in Remembering 9-11"There was a transformation in the room at that moment…" she writes,  "a sense of confusion descended, as a plane crash (accident) turned to a double plane crash (how can that happen?). Was there something going on with radar systems? Were there other planes crashing?"

In 2012, Kelly has many of the same thoughts I do in Last Night I had the Strangest Dream: we need to teach our children peace.

Not a blog but this commercial gets me every time:

When I check my blog search terms, it seems most people find my blog because they are looking for the "sheepdog" essay. I reposted it in May of 2012.

Thanks to another blogger, I read the story of a man who was supposed to be working in the WTC that morning. He speaks honestly about the people he knew, his emotions and how his family suffered. I know we say "get a hanky!" alot but, honestly, grab a hanky. Or 12. I am glad he was able to share his story, because it is so important.

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