
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy birthday to me!

I turned the great big 3-3 last Thursday. As birthdays go, it wasn't a huge deal but Adam and I always use our birthdays as an excuse to snag a sitter (ie, guilt the grandparents into watching the kids) and head out to dinner. Sometimes we even go out without a coupon (living dangerously!) and we always have a  good time.

This year, I ordered my present earlier in the month. I have been lusting after a planner from Erin They are pricey but oh-so-pretty. I already have a giant wall calendar that serves as the hub of the house. Our schedules go on there (color coded by person) along with our dinner menu. I have a sheet of paper that serves as our lunch menu (mostly for the older two and their school lunches). I tried using google calendars and, well, I just need something to write on! I got the custom notebook with the calendar added to it. It was a bit cheaper than planner and had the little extras I want to keep track of notes, doodles, blog ideas and more. (Yes, this is in addition to the small notebook I keep in my big ole 31 wallet. I should not run out things to write on, ever.)

The actual day of my birthday was nice, quiet and relaxing. Adam brought home pizza for dinner and the kids went to bed early. On Saturday he took the kids to the end of the summer pool party and I stayed home to blog. His parents came over to baby sit and we went out to Holihan's. They now have a small plate section. It's real dinners but in normal portions. I had a small steak and fries and it was just enough food to make me feel like I had a yummy dinner without over doing it. (A few weeks ago, I went to Cheesecake Factory with some friends and noticed they have a small plate selection too. I am not sure if this is a new thing or if it has just been that long since I have been to a restaurant that is not a fast food joint!)

After dinner (and dessert!) we went to the mall... only the mall closes at 9! We were surprised but the bookstore stayed open an hour later. So, yes, I went to the bookstore and browsed and read titles and flipped through books to my heart's content. I know it doesn't sound like much but I've had a bit of a boo-hoo crisis this summer. I've been feeling like I am missing out on things I want, need, or love: swimming, the East Coast, time alone, reading. It was wonderful to spend just an hour  reading bits and pieces of books, seeing what is new and giving Adam ideas for Christmas. It definitely recharged my batteries!

My parents are coming this weekend to visit and take us out to lunch or dinner. Adam and I might sneak off for lunch alone and to visit a friend who is in the hospital. I'm thinking of making Basil Lime Chicken, a new recipe I found on Pinterest that is really, really, REALLY good. My father and Adam are taking two of the kids to a baseball game (if they get their act together-which is a whole nuther post) and Mom and I are taking the little dudes shopping. We also have a couple of Weekend Warrior projects that need to be done and the extra hands keeping the kids out of paint, wood, nails and the springs that hold the garage door together is going to be nice! I'm looking forward to the last weekend of my birthday celebration!

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