
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Speech therapy, round three... or four

George's summer speech therapy is coming to a close and, once again, we are looking for a therapist.

When we went to the local hospital for speech, we were told that he would only get six months of services even if he needed more. He did and the school year was ending. Even though we knew he would be going to summer school, both the hospital's SLP and his SLP at school agreed that he needed private speech therapy during the summer. The School SLP recommended someone who works in the district and provides speech services during the summer.

The Private SLP came to our house during the summer. Um, it wasn't a massive failure but I wouldn't call it a smashing success either. One session, he screamed for her the entire time and it took 45 minutes before he said one word- book. We really think that he was not comfortable with her coming into his safe zone, his house.

At this point, we knew he still needed speech but were at a loss as to what to do. It's a waste of the SLP's time to be screamed at and refusing to do his work is a waste of time for him too. And, frankly, I didn't want to pay money to an SLP only to have my kid refuse to do everything. We seriously considered taking a break until October but after taking to some friends and other SLPs, we realized we can't do that. The early years are so, so important and he needs to keep working so his muscles can remember what to do. I cannot help him at home, alone. I don't have the skills to do that.

I spoke to another mother who is several years ahead of me in the apraxia journey. She gave me the name of an SLP in town and just sang her praises. When I got home from my meeting, I called the SLP.

Right away, I was very impressed. It was clear that she has worked with alot of children with oral motor issues. We were on the phone doing an intake interview for a good hour. She asked all the questions that no one has ever asked before: about his social speaking (he doesn't), his birth experience, early eating habits, what he is working on now, etc. She said that kids with apraxia tend to do better in a clinical setting and that she is willing to stick with us until he no longer needs a speech therapist. Because this is a clinic, the woman I spoke to runs it but will not be George's SLP. She urged me to call her if the SLP assigned to G doesn't click with him. It sounds like they are willing to take the time to get to know him and his needs and really stick with him for the long haul. I felt so positive and happy when I hung up the phone!

The downside is that they don't take our insurance (of course!) and she feels like George needs two sessions a week at 50 dollars a session. Bye-bye hippotherapy. Bye-bye considering music therapy. Swim lessons are being cut down to only the older two. Gym class for me and Cole are out. 100 dollars a week for many years on end is going to take a huge chunk out of our budget. Of course, it will be worth it. Of course we will adjust. Of course it isn't a problem. It's just... an adjustment.

Tomorrow I will call the office to schedule our intake evaluation and Adam will fax in the paperwork. We should begin in August, around the time school starts. Even though it will take a chunk out of our day and budget, I am looking forward to it. I think this is the place he needs to be and he will recieve the help he needs.


  1. Please be sure they involve you in the therapy process! They should work with you to teach you cues they are using and give you homework. Parents are a very important part in the therapy process and progress will be faster. You can also check out some free videos I created at to help families work with their kids. Watch some of the "Speech" videos. Hope they help a little best of luck.

  2. Oh, yeah, we work with him at home! I just cannot do the whole thing frm scratch. I can and will do homework but not all of the therapy, ya know?
