
Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Baby Cup (not quite!) Runneth Over!

(I say "not quite" because I don't think there can EVER be too many babies in one's life!)

After a very long bedrest, a relative had HEALTHY, FULL TERM twins a few weeks ago! I remember going to the St. Gianna statue at church, praying for just a few more months for these babies. It was the first time Georgie said, "Amen!" and maybe his sweet little voice carried the prayer straight to God's ears? I don't know but THANK  YOU, JESUS those babies are fat, healthy, happy and Mom and Dad are just glowing.

A preemie-mom friend had her third child the other day. Again, the baby is healthy, full term and Mom avoided bedrest and the NICU! He is one of the sweetest little dudes I have ever seen and he just seems so... happy. Ever seen a smiling newborn? This guy does!

There are a few more families in my life waiting on a sweet new one and I can't wait to pop over and snuggle those babies!

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