
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ice cream, popsciles and fruit

This past Wednesday dawned bright and early... and I mean BRIGHT and EARLY. *yawn*

Tuesday night was bat-poo-insane. I had to be at church for a two hour training right as Adam was due to get home from mandatory overtime and at the exact same moment the kids needed to be at Grandma and Grandpa's for a sleepover. I still have no mastered the "be in two places at once" routine, let alone THREE, so there was a mad scramble to make sure everyone had everything and GET IN THE CAR NOW, MOMMY NEEDS TO GO! Thankfully, we all got where we needed to be, right on time... even if I was a bit steamy during the training. (I hope and pray they get the AC fixed before our training in July!)

Adam and I jumped out of bed at 5 am to shower and get ready to go. Cole woke up easily and was a bit confused during the ride to the hospital. It was as bright as noon at six am and he was alone, without his siblings. I think the  poor kid was torn between enjoying the alone time and scared as to what would happen!

After a little snafu trying to figure out where we needed to be, we checked in. Thankfully, he has no medical conditions to made admission complected and we were taken right back to the pre-op area. He was one of the first, if not THE first, to be admitted that day. It was sweet- they were clearly ready for a child because they had fun sheets on the bed and it was lower to the ground. Cole was not a happy camper when we tried to give him something to make him loopy and he was pretty PO'd when they took him from me. The hardest part, by far, was listening to him cry as they carried him down the hall. :(

The surgery went as smooth as could be. When the ENT came out, he told me that the anasleologist said Cole was having trouble moving air and his tonsils were much bigger then they thought. He had fluid in his ears (again!) when they put the tubes in. It's odd, but I was happy to hear that they noticed he was having trouble breathing. I was second guessing myself in the day before the surgery- should we do this? Have we done everything else possible?- and now I feel 110 percent that this was the right thing to do.

Cole was mad, mad, mad when we went back to his "phase two" room. Did I say mad? He was crying and sounded pathetic with his hoarse little voice. They found me a rocker and I rocked him as we watched Playhouse Disney. Finally, with much dramatic, "Ooohhh, look at this PURPLE POPSICLE! Daddy LOVES it! Popsicles are SO YUMMY!" we got him to eat a Popsicle. Once he realized it felt good going down, he drank some juice . . . and ate two little cups of ice cream!

Whew! We were so scared he wouldn't eat ANYTHING and he has been a champ ever since. My sister gave me the great idea to get some of the applesauce pouches so I went and found all the baby food and fruit pouches I could. The pain medication he is on can be constipating, and those have really helped ease that problem. Plus, I keep them in the fridge so they are nice and cold. Yeah, he's getting all the ice cream he wants but he's getting some good food in him too. Score!

Today is the third full day post surgery and everyone has warned me days 3-5 can be the worst. He was crabby and pathetic this morning and his breath smells like decaying animal. However, he's still eating and drinking, which is awesome!

Cole seems to be breathing easier. I have only heard him snore once or twice and he stopped when I moved him into a better position. He is sleeping for longer stretches and, for the first time in a long time, I cannot hear his loud breathing over the monitor. No apnea, no teeth grinding, nothing.

Overall, everything went so, so, so much better than we thought it would. He's really rocking this like a champ!

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