
Friday, May 4, 2012

Quick Takes Friday: Review Love

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

On Tuesday, my fundraiser for the March of Dimes opened! If you've always wanted to order from Thirty-One but never had an excuse, now you have one! Fifty per cent of my commission will go to the MOD!

African Babies Don't Cry is currently hosting a world-wide giveaway for Coconut Oil for Your Skin, the new E-book written by Hybrid Rasta Mama. There's even a coupon code attached!

Have you ever seen the cute MamAmor dolls? They are breastfeeding, baby wearing handmade dolls for kids and are super cute! I love the variety she has; each doll is so unique. She currently has a giveaway going on until Mother's Day and it is open worldwide.

I am always on the lookout for fun, modern books that help teach my kids our faith. So many Catholic books for kids look like they were written in 1950, have very, um, traditional drawings and simply do NOT appeal to kids in the year 2012. When I found An Alphabet of Catholic Saints, I bought it right away. The illustrations are simple, clean and appealing. I love that they feature a variety of saints, from "oldie but goodies" like St. Joseph to "newer" ones like Blessed Kateri. The saints aren't the "typical" white bread saints either; care was taken to ensure that saints of a variety of ethnic backgrounds are represented. The text is charming, rhymes and has a simple, fun rhythm. It's not just for littles, though. There's more information about the saint at the bottom of each page. It's fun enough for an adult to read to a toddler but enjoyable for older children to read on their own.

Have you got your bathing suit for this season? If not, RUN RUN to Swim Suits for All. They cater to women sizes 8 and up. Their selection is great and their sale prices are to DIE for. I had budgeted 50 dollars for one high quality swim suit. (I'm looking at YOU, Land's End.) Instead I got THREE tankinis for 50 dollars! Three! One was even eight dollars! And I didn't have to search for tops and matching bottoms either; the prices included both pieces. I was able to use the coupon code they automatically applied to my order plus the code "up5" to save even more money. They ship fast too; I ordered Tuesday and had my purchases by Saturday. Between the great prices, ability to stack coupon codes and the speedy shipping, I will be going back next year!

Tales of a Kitchen Witch just finished a massive giveaway on her FB page! She is currently hosting a giveaway for a pair of baby leggings made by Anktangle. You need to check out Joni Rae's blog, if only for her lovely drawings! (She's a pretty bang-up writer too and an all around nice person.) You need to check out Anktangle too... I love hearing about her little guy!

Why all the review love? Check back next week (well, check back before then too!) to see why! We are kicking things up in the Herd Household, on the blog and on my Facebook page, Slaying Dragons. There's lots of fun stuff in store.

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