
Monday, May 7, 2012

Menu Plan Monday: Week of May 7

Here's our menu of the week of May 7. I'm including May 5th and 6th in here just because!

Saturday, May 5- tacos. Of course! I want to double or triple the meat mixture and freeze some for the coming week.
Sunday, May 6- ????
Monday, May 7- cheese tortellini with peas and roasted broccoli
Tuesday: kids eat free at Chik-fil-a. No judging! ;) I honestly have no idea how I will cook that day since we have back to back doctor's appointments and TKD all day long!
Wends: taco cupcakes with lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and guacamole for toppings.
Thursday- jumbo shells with kale. I'm trying to work more kale into our diet!
Friday: egg "cupcakes" from the freezer with muffins and fruit.

Now, for a recipe...

After Joseph's First Communion party I had tons of fresh broccoli sitting around. I didn't want it to go to waste but the kids don't eat alot of raw broccoli either. I googled and search Pinterest and then came up with my own recipe for

Roasted Broccoli

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Take a large head of fresh broccoli and cut into bite sized pieces. I trimmed off alot of the stems since the kids don't like them. Place in a single layer in a 9 by 13 in pan. Chop/dice/mince some garlic and throw it in there. Sprinkle some salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle or spray some olive oil on the veggies and toss to coat. Sprinkle a handful of whole wheat bread crumbs over the broccoli and toss, making sure the pieces are covered. Sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese. Toss to coat.

Place in the oven for 20 minutes, stirring about half way through. They are done when they are crisp-tender and a little brown. Good just like this or with bacon bits too!

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