
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Menu Plan Monday- Week of April 30

It's been a long time since I have posted our menu plan! We've been super busy with baseball, First Communion and life in general. Cole especially has become a busy little bear- I never know what table I will find him "dancing" on next! And, boy oh boy, can that kid destroy! The contents of many of my drawers and cabinets are on my kitchen counters because he likes to pull everything out and then run away, laughing manically. Heh. Good thing he has his Daddy's curly hair and big blue eyes!

So, this week:
Sunday: grilled hamburgers and potatoes
Monday: leftover ham, twice baked potatoes and roasted broccoli
Tuesday: chicken Parmesan bake
Wednesday: slow cooker cheeseburger sloppy joes
Thursday: baked mac and cheese
Friday: baked potatoes made in the slow cooker

It's our busy season, where baseball bumps with our normal activities of CCD and TKD. While we do eat out, we are (once again) trying to cut back. I don't want to run to fast food several times a week, so our slow cooker is earning its keep.

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