
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Christmas in May

Like many little kids, George is obsessed with trains. Both Joseph and Camille loved trains and our wooden train set is well loved and well played with. However, whereas Joe and Cami branched out to Cars, cars and more cars, Georgie is still in love with trains.

Around Christmas of 2010, he got into The Polar Express. This is fine, as I love that movie too! After the holidays, he branched out to other shows but would always circle back to that movie. You can imagine the Total Nuclear Meltdown he had one day when he wanted to watch THAT MOVIE and only THAT MOVIE and NO OTHER MOVIE would do!

It was traumatizing.

So for 9.99 we downloaded The Polar Express to the iPad thinking, "Yay! We will always have that movie at our finger tips and will never have to go through that TNM again!"

Yeah, that's true but that brings us to another problem... that's all he watches.

Like I said, I love the movie but Tom Hanks all day, every day, multiple times a day? No. Just no. He drags the iPad with him everywhere and watches the show during dinner, while playing with his toys, while planting garlic with Adam. . . . . (No, not kidding.)

We're all suffering through it because we know it is a phase and it too shall pass. There are worse movies to watch but by the end of the day, I'm twitching from hearing the theme song!

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