
Friday, May 11, 2012

The Big News

I meant to post this earlier this week, but the week got away from me. Our big, bloggy news?

I am now open for reviews and giveaways!

Okay, maybe you were hoping for something else! Well, giveaways are cool! I mean, who doesn't love free stuff? I know I do! I've won items from blog giveaways before and it's always fun to get something neat and free.

Fresh Produce kicked off my review/giveaway. They were unable to offer a giveaway at this time, so my review is just... a review. But  I had fun doing it and really do love their clothing.

I am looking for companies who make or sell items a natural-minded family would enjoy. I am open to Esty and Ebay sellers. I am especially interested in items that teach our faith to children and are fun, fresh and modern. A better overview of my review and giveaway policy will be up on my blog this weekend, so please check back for more information!

And if you are "just" a blog reader, please check back frequently for reviews and giveaways. I already have a couple in the works for the summer!

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