
Friday, April 13, 2012

Quick Takes Friday: The Eight Year Old Edition

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

Eight years ago right now (8:46 am, if you care) I was waking up in my bed, wondering why the dog had let me sleep in. She would normally "herd" me out of bed every morning by seven  or so am. I had been up since 2 or 3 with back pain, so I was happy for the extra sleep. I now know that I was in pre-pre labor. My body has done this every time.

Joseph is such a blessing to us. He was born after a miscarriage and many months of trying. He is named for his grandfathers and great-grandfathers and his name means "God shall increase." We took it as a sign that God promised to increase our family. Uh, God? Got it!

At the beginning of this school year, I hoped that he would learn to enjoy reading. While he will tell you he doesn't like to read, I think he's trying to pull one on me:
Considering the amount of facts I have heard lately about the Titanic, tanks, the military and bodily functions (thank you, Grams and Nono, for THAT book!) I'm pretty sure he's retaining what he reads too.

I was having a boo-hoo moment the other day. My bay-bee turned two! My biggest baby is eight! Wa! Then Joseph asked me if he could read the Bunnicula books and Encycopedia Brown. I had a great time going down memory lane with him and then my mother, remembering all the great books I enjoyed as a kid. Mom is bringing some the above books for Joseph and the Baby Sitters Club Little Sister books for Camille. I knew this would be a part of my kids getting older that I would enjoy and I am!

First Communion is next week. Joe has a suit. I don't care what he says, he LOVES his suit. Well, maybe... but no one can deny that he looks awesome in it! We had his pictures taken at Penneys. Although it cost me an arm and leg, they came out lovely. Handsome. So big. He said he looked like Daddy in his suit and I happen to agree!

I had Gymbucks to use and spent them on Joseph. I got him a size ten shirt with a dog on it... and it fit. Still a skinny waist but a ten in shirts. Adam measured him for new golf clubs and Joe's four foot four. Yikes!

What is this kid getting for his birthday? I have to tell someone... Adam is taking him to Opening Day with our local baseball team! He bought him a membership to the kids' club and managed to score tickets for today. He gets to miss a bit of school and everything. He doesn't know yet! I don't know how he will react. In general, he doesn't like surprises but this should go over well. I hope.

Bonus entry!

Two years ago... my Alpha and Omega. Happy birthday to my awesome big dude, my Handsome Joe-ritto, my Joe-Joe, my buggy bear. I love you. Thank you for making me a mom.

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