
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ch-ch-changes: Thirty-One Bags and Charity

Just to shake things up around here, I signed up to sell bags with Thirty-One Bags. I went to a party in March and just fell in love with their items. I purchased several- two large utility totes, two of the smaller bakets  (one for random stuff around the house and one for Camille's hair do-dads), and a lunch bag for Camille. I wasn't planning on buying her a lunch bag so soon, but the one I picked is large enough to hold the Rubbermaid divided containers and her water bottle. It's much better quality than the ones I have seen in the stores!

Part of the reason I am doing this is to help offset the costs of raising four kids. But the bigger reason is that we want to give more to charities. Therefore, many of the parties I will do will result in a portion of my commission going to a charity of the hostess choice.* The hostess will get all the fun perks of being a hostess, I will get the credit for doing a party AND a charity will get some cash. Everyone wins!

In this spirit, from May 1- May 11 I am hosting an on-line party for the March of Dimes. I have labeled it "Thirty-One Bags for the March of Dimes." I will donate fifty per cent of my comission to the March of Dimes. Since this is an on-line party, the items will be sent directly to your house (shipping is four dollars). If you are local to me and want them shipped to my house (no shipping charge for you!) drop me an e-mail (see side bar) and let me know.

How does it work?
1. Click on the link: "Thirty One Bags for the March of Dimes" sometime between May 1 and May 11. (Note: You can browse now but the catelog changes May 1, with new colors and styles, including a "spirit" line that is solid colors.)
2. Click on "Shop now."
3. Shop!
4. Fill out the order forms as directed. Your credit card will NOT be charged until I close out the party and submit everything.
5. Orders should arrive about two weeks from when everything is submitted.

Now, as an added bonus, if you book a party (either on-line or in real life) to be held before May 25, I will donate twenty per cent of my commissions to a charity that supports premature infants and their parents. This can be the March of Dimes or another local charity of your choice. If you are interested, contact me at waldenmommy (at) gmail (dot) com.

Thank you so much and please be patient as I work out any kinks I might encounter!

Please click here to see why, as pro-life Catholics, we have chosen to support the March of Dimes. We completely understand and respect that not everyone feels the same way we do. We asks that you respect our choice in return.

*And that I approve of. So, no, you won't find me agreeing to do a party for the local abortion clinic or something!

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