
Friday, February 17, 2012

Summer School?

I know, right? It's been one crazy winter (50? 60? in January?) and it's just passed Valentine's Day but everyone is begining to think about summer.

Actually, this summer has been on our mind since LAST summer. We always travel to visit Adam's side of the family and this year I have a family reunion to go to. Coupled with the normal VBS, swim lessons and maybe TKD camp, we are always busy. This summer, it looks like we will be even busier.

Camille is having a hard time learning to read her sight words. At the end of preschool, she knew all her letters, numbers, and sounds, so I know she has or had everything in place to begin to read. Her teacher, who is also the reading specialist, and I think she can do it, but just won't. When the teacher is just watching her, she observes that Cami does know the activity. The Princess did just get glasses, so the whole "not seeing" might have something to do with it. She doesn't seem to have testing anxiety, although she could be hiding it well. I also wonder if she is acting out to get special attention like her little brother gets. No matter what, though, she qualified for summer school for kids who need extra help. You know, to the tune of 200 dollars!

Yes, that's for 12 session (4 times a week for 3 weeks) from 8:30-11:30 with a qualified teacher. BUT it is a small group of 10-12 other kids and I think she would benefit more from one on one attention. It is also not at our "home" school and would take a huge chunk out of my day. On a side note, she would not be able to attend VBS, which she loves, and summer school would end just as we are going to our family reunion.

Adam said that it is time for me to dust off my teaching degree and work with her at home. This is going to take time, discipline and who knows what else. The good news is that I have started working with her at home and she is improving already. The bad news? I'm crap at teaching my own kids. Oh, well. I know I can do this!

Georgie also qualifies for summer school. Children with special needs can recieve some help over the summer. His teacher said that normally they don't take children who are making good progress (and that makes sense... NO) but they are afraid he will lose all he's gained without constant therapy for three months. I agree and that is what the research on children with apraxia says- intense, constant therapy. He will still need private therapy, as the hospital plans on dumping him in May. (His six months will be up and no matter what progress he has made, or if he needs more help, they won't give him therapy beyond six months. I am not allowed to talk about this since it makes my blood pressue rise.)

I was hoping the summer would be more relaxed, but it looks like I am going to be driving around just as much as I am now!

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