
Friday, February 24, 2012

Quick Takes Friday: PTSD and Lent

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Last week, I went to a party at a friend's house. One of her friends, who I know through MOPS, was beginning to sell jewlery. Normally, I hate those parties because I hate to feel the pressure to buy something from someone. This was low key, though, and  I really enjoyed everyone's company and, yes, I bought a couple things.

There was one other mother there and she looked familiar. We began swapping birth stories and all three of the women at the party tend to go late. We were laughing and joking and I said, "I'm one of those on the flip side- I go early!" It came up that the other mom was a NICU nurse who worked at the same NICU Georgie was born at... and was there the same time we were.

Yes, she was Georgie's nurse. That's why she looked so familiar.

She remembered Adam, of course, and didn't seem to have fond memories of me. I admit I was stressed out (duh!) but I know I didn't yell or chew out the nurses or anything. I apologized and tried to explain... but, really, I would like to think she understood. That didn't stop the little flash backs from happening later that night, and the intrusive thoughts about the NICU.

Jack's mom on "Life With Jack" wrote about PTSD in her post entitled "Post Tramatic Stress Disorder." I'm sad that she had to go through that but happy that she wrote about it. And, selfishly, it reminds me that I am not alone.

I've been following "Hand to Hold" on their Facebook page and I wish I had known about this when Georgie was born. Blaine Carr has an article about PTSD (PTSD: When the Trama of the NICU Persits). His daughter was born a month early. So many times we only hear about the preemie and micropreemie parents and their trauma. While no one will deny that children who are born more prematurily face more problems and complecation, the trauma to children and parents who have a "short" NICU stay is often over looked. I am glad that this article acknowledges the mental, physical and emotional trauma those with short NICU stays go through.

On the preemie front, a new study shows that babies delivered via c/s may be at greater risk for respitory problems. However, the article I linked seems that they are only talking about children with IUGR. Also, anyone who has kept one finger on the pulse of the preemie world, or bith in general, would know that the ACOG decied a year or so ago to recommend that otherwise healthy babies and mothers not be delivered before 39 weeks. Their reason is that due dates are not often accurate and that if the due date is off two weeks either way, a 39 week baby (37-41 weeks) is still term, whereas a 37 week baby whose due date is off by two weeks (35-39 weeks) may not be term.

I was, however, pleased to see this note: At the same time, recent research shows that a baby’s lungs and brain undergo important growth and development during the last few weeks of pregnancy, and that babies born just three to six weeks before their due dates are more likely to suffer disabilities or developmental delays in kindergarten. Thank you! Let's bring some awareness to the fact that the last few weeks of pregnancy are not just for sh!ts and giggles. Really important stuff, like, I dunno, THE BRAIN develops during that time.

Again, if one more person tells me that late term preemies are just fine, have no problems and are NOT at greater risk for XYZ, I might kick them in the balls. Just sayin'.

Lent began this week. I am giving up junk food and, as a family, we are giving up going out to eat. Joseph is giving up soda and I think Camille is giving up a cheerful disposition. Just kidding... I am not sure what she is giving up!

Don't know what to give up for Lent? Check out LifeTeen's suggestions! So many times we think about giving up food or going on a diet or stick with the same old, same old.... but how about giving up your pillow? Or any "found" money, like in the couch cushions or on the ground, gets donated?
Confused as to why Catholics do what we do during Lent? Busted Halo tells you in two minutes!

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