
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Menu Plan Monday: week of Feb 5

Super bowl Sunday: mis-match of leftovers and sandwiches
Monday: Asian chicken and broccoli with brown rice. Nope, this is not a whole food thing, strictly speaking, since it uses Kraft Asian Sesame dressing. I have leftover brown rice, so that will make dinner quick!
Tuesday: either a double batch of zesty chicken tortilla bake (one for tonight and one to freeze) or stuffed parm. chicken with asparagus
Wends: pasta and sausage
Thursday: quiche with zucchini
Friday: marinated baked chicken with potatoes and veggies

I am failing at this 100 days of real food thing. Thankfully, I am starting a new health plan with my chiropractor (more details later) which I hope will help. I am only half joking when I say that I should take up running for Lent. I HATE running, so it will be a real sacrifice!

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