
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fundraiser for a fellow NPN mom

Mama Jorje (pronounced George) is a friend, blogger and fellow writer on NPN. On the 26th, she gave birth to her first son and fourth child, Spencer. Spencer has Downs Syndrome, which they knew about before he was born. He is currently in the NICU and, although he is being a rock star, had to stay behind when his mother left the hospital. We are hosting a fundraiser for her family to help off set the costs of traveling to and from the NICU, possible hotel stay and all that goes with it.Currently, I do not know if they have a time line for when he will come home. For various reasons, money is quite tight for them at the moment.

If you wish to donate money to help them out, please visit Fine and Fair.  If you cannot donate, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. It is very, very hard being away from your baby and no matter how muchyou visit, it's nothing like having them home!

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