
Saturday, October 1, 2011


Our NICU reunion was today. Although it has been almost 3 years since we were in the NICU, this is only our second reunion. At our first, I was about 8 weeks pregnant with Cole! The second time around, I was helping create a new room for Joseph, as a surprise. This time, we made it!

It was so much nicer than the first reunion. They had everything set up in a path, numbered, so people could walk around and gather information. They had the MOD, the new NICU parent support group, an ambluence, just like the one G was transferred in:

This was right across from the MOD table and right near the NICU support table. I got to stare at it the entire time I was talking to parents. As I said to the social worker, "That's gonna cause a flashback."

Adam took Joseph to his baseball game, and Cole went with them. That left me with half the Herd! Woot! Georgie sat near me, ate THREE honking huge pieces of cake and played Angry Birds.

Camille ran around and won a pumpkin pie from the pie walk and got her face painted. We rode a "Train" and then went to the giant inflateables. G had a blast throwing himself into the walls. I don't know if it was because we were outside, because the jumping filled his every need or because he knew he had pushed me to the limit the day before and needed to behave lest he be GIVEN to the gypies... but...

He completly held it together, even when Camille was d o n e DONE. We stayed until the closed up shop, visiting with friends and seeing the staff. We even walked back up into the NICU where he showed his old nurse his "ow" (from a month ago when he had his blood drawn!). I was pleasently surprised at how big of a success it was! Go big dude!

Oh, and I can't forget to meantion that Camille had her hair done and sprayed with glitter! Awesome!

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