
Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick Takes Friday: Parent/teacher Conferences Edition

Got kids? Got kids on vacation because of parent- teacher conferences? Here's seven quick things you can do to keep busy!

(Hop over to Conversion Diary for more quick takes)

  1. Bored with watching endless kid's programs on TV? Enter to win Weightless by Kate Wicker. You can enter here or at the Natural Parents Network. Not only could you have some lovely new reading material, you can drown at the TV program by surfing the 'Net.
  2. Bake! It's cool here today so I'm going to make some sweet potato buscuits (recipe to come) and maybe restock the freezer with zuchinni muffins.
  3. Enter to win Weightless.
  4. Finish Halloween costumes. I just ironed interfacing to lots of tiny coller/shoulder/armhole pieces for a BRIGHT PINK cheerleading costume. Then I found enough fabric to begin a present for my nephew, cut and ironed it. My machine is down for the count, so I am borrowing my mother in law's and loving it!
  5. At some point, we are going Christmas shopping for gifts for their cousins. Yes, all four kids. In October. Hey, give me some credit for not turning on the Wizard Christmas Rock just yet!

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